
Happiness is a concept that is often misunderstood. We’re educated that we must earn the right to be happy or we can be happy only for some time. Well, who got that rule in?

With The Wander Mantra, I want to help others find happiness, joy and contentment to their heart’s extent without society bringing any limits. We own the capacity to be happy. No one can “make” us happy, we have control over it.

Don’t be sad

If you’ve lost your happy mojo, don’t worry! This blog is all about reclaiming your inner joy by finding yourself and doing what you love. There are many factors in life that can hinder your happy vibe. It is all about taking charge and building the no-enter zone for negative facets.

Cup of joy

None of us is 100% perfect but we can always strive to find contentment with what we have. It took me years to find peace and happiness in my life. The only way I could achieve it is by letting go of what pulls me down. Be it my own inhibitions, what was taught from my family and shunning the burden of expectations others put on my shoulders.

Self-love is all you need to be happy. We are the happiness tribe that brims with positivity and channel all the good energy in the universe. Only when we are full can we share the goodness.

No empty cup can quench a thirsty soul.

We often wait for others to understand that we are not okay. But, the truth is they are not responsible for your emotions, health and mental peace. Unless you give them the power to harm those attributes.

Become your own happiness champion. And, when you are full, share that joy and help others to become cheerful.

Purpose in life

We all have at some point in time questioned our life’s purpose. When we don’t find one, we are left feeling bereft. But, is there a possibility to find your calling? Yes! To do that, you need to find a solution to that restlessness you feel. Let’s embark on that journey of finding our happy place within ourselves.